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Alamo Drafthouse acquired by Sony. Skip to content. Skip to content. Smith County officials address issue of illegal debris dumping. This designation allows Purple Heart recipients, meaning those who were wounded in combat, along with other veterans to have a place of camaraderie. Pollen Count. WebXtra: Tyler man accused in sexual assault cold case testifies in his defense. Marbridge is a residential facility and campus where adults with cognitive disabilities are given a safe place to learn and experience life with a full spectrum of services tailored to individual needs and abilities. A kite surfer stranded on a California beach used rocks to spell "HELP," leading to his rescue Sunday, officials said. Updated: 1 hour ago. Stranded kite surfer rescued after spelling 'help' on beach. Through the passage of time, lights from the screen burned the silhouettes of the Black moviegoers who were only allowed in the balcony, into the back of the balcony wall.

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