Sexy temari

Sexy temari

Temari is appointed to go to Konoha and deliver information to Tsunade and check out on the progress of the village since Pain's invasion. Ships Within 3 - 4 business days. Sexy No Jutsu Naruto. Overall: 8. Creation quality: 0. Upon getting married to Shikamaru and taking residence in Konoha, she would later give birth to their son, Shikadai. Note: This feature currently requires accessing the site using the built-in Safari browser. Share to your Steam activity feed. Naruto Mobile. You are right ; But on Cults, little bunnies have to prove they are grown up enough. She styles her hair back into four pigtails and would also begin to part her hair to the right. Wanting to save her brothers, Temari planned to join Team Kakashi in rescuing Gaara, although Chiyo volunteered in her place.

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