Shut down pornhub

Shut down pornhub

The Traffickinghub movement that Laila continues to lead, is a decentralized global effort to hold Pornhub accountable for enabling and profiting from child abuse, sex trafficking, rape, and the criminal exploitation of countless victims. She alleged that the credit card company—which provided Mindgeek its payment network—knowingly monetized these images for profit. Submit Comment. She leads Fox News Digital coverage of the Senate. Helena St. South Carolina lawsuit on behalf of 9 women secretly recorded. At the start of , when the Traffickinghub petition and movement launched, Pornhub was the tenth most-visited website in the world. Do you believe that this item violates a copyright? He previously worked at the College Fix and Just the News. Survivors and antitrafficking advocacy organizations, many with ties to the Christian right and antipornography efforts of the s and s, gathered more than two million signatures on a petition to shut down Pornhub. Pornhub disables Texas users access to the site Pornhub announced they will be disabling access to their website for Texans after House Bill required explicit content websites to have age-verification measures in place to ban minors. You can stay up to date on the progress of Traffickinghub by following the Traffickinghub hashtag or by following Laila Mickelwait on Twitter.

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