Slam meth video

Slam meth video

Ontario man can't collect lottery prize after he forgets where he bought ticket An Ontario man who bought a lottery ticket was thrilled to find out he won, but collecting his winnings turned out to be a challenge. Mayor Jyoti Gondek said two workers, involved in the work to replace a broken water main, were hurt on Wednesday night and work on the critical feeder main has halted until Thursday afternoon at the earliest. Tags Target Corporation Merchandising Retail. A Montessori school in Saskatoon has permanently closed following multiple claims from teachers that they're missing wages. Women in the military more likely to face misconduct, medical release, says landmark report The Canadian Armed Forces and Veterans Affairs need to radically change how they treat women, according to a House of Commons committee, which laid out 42 recommendations in a new report. On Saturday, Israel rescued four hostages out of Gaza in a heavy air and ground assault, which reportedly killed more than Palestinians. We may earn a commission when you use our links to shop. Fried bologna sandwiches are a retro favorite, courtesy of Dad. Pro-Palestinian demonstrations have been taking place in downtown Toronto almost every weekend since the Israel-Hamas war, with thousands marching through downtown streets calling for a ceasefire. Tornados and severe thunderstorms are possible in highly populated areas across Ontario and Quebec, including the regions around Toronto, Ottawa and Montreal. Young Guamanians share concerns on proposed hotel project. Weather front approaches the Maritimes with rain and showers Friday into Saturday Hit-and-miss rain totals were reported across the Maritimes on Wednesday, the result of the scattered coverage of showers and thunderstorms.

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