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He began working with Liz Lamere , whom he later married and became the most crucial collaborator of his solo career. Thanks for subscribing. Butter-like fiery bright orange shimmer with golden specs that glides smoothly on eyelids. Butter-like icy white shimmer with purple and blue reflective specs that glides smoothly on the eyelid. How to use: Use a flat eyeshadow brush to build color onto the eyelids. For a more intense color payoff, apply with finger. Account Login Search Shopping Cart. Select Edition He had been thinking about experimenting with developing a blues-infused rockabilly sound outside of Suicide. Each legendary shadow has a smooth, easily blendable texture with a high color payoff that will transport you to a prismatic realm of color! Butter-like metallic silver shimmer with warm copper specs that glide smoothly on the eyelids. Use a flat eyeshadow brush to build color onto the eyelids.

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