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They settled on Minecraft because the game was the first video game that Parker and Stone did not understand so they felt that the parents could have a similar experience. I'm not going to go out and kill your mom just because I watch Investigative Discovery, Stan. IGN 's Max Nicholson gave the episode a score of 7. You never do anything around the house! Parker and Stone said they contacted Mojang , developer of Minecraft , before making the episode to ask permission to use the game in the episode. More to explore. Butters Stotch comments that he called the company putting this "smut" on the air and that they told him to spend more time with his parents, implying that he is at fault for their interest. Andrew Wallenstein, writing for Variety , suggested that Discovery ID, the host of the "murder porn" programs in the episode, bears a striking resemblance to Investigation Discovery , which airs similar programming. The next day, the boys go to Corey's house, where they discover Corey teaching parents in the basement. At the community center, the children discuss how their parents are now not only continuing to watch murder porn, but are ruining their online experiences in Minecraft as well, blaming Kyle and his app. Watch Episode. The next day, Jimmy Valmer tells Kyle that the parental lock is not working.

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