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April 21, Archived from the original on April 15, YouTuber John Patrick Douglass , known as jacksfilms, accused Shelesh of profiting from other creators' work through monetizing her reaction videos, while frequently not providing proper credit, [32] and characterized her content as rudimentary and not transformative enough for fair use. A few hours after Lia's Twitter post, Keemstar released a video and a video about the incident on DramaAlert, along with a letter addressed to Lia:. The carefree, happy, light blue sky is once again fading to it's black, demented, evil form. On October 13, , Shelesh, while filming near Douglass's house, asked her followers if she should pay him a visit, stating that he lives near Shelesh's studio. After almost a week, YouTube would finally respond on Twitter regarding the situation, stating that SSSniperWolf would be temporarily demonetized from the platform. Channel Red, LLC. Its the mother's fault! Archived from the original on January 1, Retrieved November 10, She married Evan in May , and separated in September

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