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Think again, my friend. Try another? Discover Time Out original video. Her mother Kathleen said: 'She had so much to give to the world. I couldn't, says Rosie Green of the fab dupes that Puska terrified one woman as he followed on his bike pictured as she walked her dog. It moved us to action, demanding an end to violence against women. He tried to give her CPR but by the time paramedics arrived she was already dead. Ms Kelly said she continued her walk towards the canal and that she had gone to the side of the canal which did not have a tarmac path, only to encounter Puska again. The jury was told she had been given the Fitbit watch the previous November and made it her New Year's resolution to exercise every day after work. Get us in your inbox. Mr Casey added: 'From day one, the outpouring of love and support was felt in abundance.

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