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Chapman has said he encouraged Swift "to branch out and to test herself in other situations". By using the site, you acknowledge you are at least 18 years old. The stage show was inspired by Broadway musical theatre, with choreographed routines, elaborate set-pieces, pyrotechnics and numerous costume changes. Show all Show all Hide. Guy drops off package at house and gets incredible BJ from cute slut Stephanie Swift who is really denizen of hell Girls with Style compilation. The album is named after the year she was born, and is a sort of '80s-sounding album, in the sense that it's more electronic. Pipohix Taylor Swift 19 -Trailer- 3 In May Taylor featured in B. Swift invited many musicians to join her for one-off duets during the North American tour. Her acceptance speech was interrupted by rapper Kanye West, who had been involved in a number of other award show incidents. Pipohix Taylor Swift 18 -Trailer- 6

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