Texas and pornhub

Texas and pornhub

Philip Jankowski has covered government, politics and criminal justice in Texas for 13 years. Share or comment on this article: Pornhub pulls out of Texas: World's largest adult content website restricts access in Lone Star State over Gov. But last week the U. Today's headlines Most Read The pictures Britain has been longing to see: Frame-by-frame, the glorious images of Kate as she makes her The Lone Star State claims it wants to protect children from adult content. Right-wing activist Matt Walsh called it a "Huge win for Texas," while former Republican House candidate Robby Starbuck tweeted: "Pornhub would rather shut down than do the work to prevent kids from seeing porn on their site. Mark Gill. Pornhub joined a federal lawsuit against Texas leaders last summer alongside a coalition of other adult sites. A class of schoolboys saw this UFO and drew identical pictures to prove it. District Judge David Ezra ruled that it would impinge on adults' access to free speech by requiring them to identify themselves to use the site and that there were other ways to halt children from accessing pornography. Therefore, the age-verification requirement does not violate the First Amendment. However, last Friday, Attorney General Ken Paxton announced that a court ruled in favor of the state in a lawsuit filed by pornography companies, including Pornhub.

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TEXAS AND PORNHUB / salondulivre.pro