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From the bit of information that you provided, I have some reservations due to the fact that RL methods notoriously lose all their theoretical guarantees when you apply them in conjunction with most kinds of function approximators notably, neural networks. Do we convince some powerful organisation to start yet another Manhattan project to produce safe AI before Dr. Evolution vs contraceptives is probably just a matter of us living at the exact time in which the environment changed from one in which there were no contraceptives to one in which contraceptives exist. After all, temporarily acting without restraint shows more restraint for human values in the long run than allowing an unrestrained creature to win permanently. So one not only has to guard from genuine self-interest. Its the plot of War Games in real life. What, exactly, could the AI do to help them? Colossus, for all its faults, seems to genuinely care about humanity. Remember, the Terminator that looks like a decrepit Austrian bodybuilder is the good one now, and any morally dubious AI can be defeated by asking it to play tic-tac-toe or telling it you are lying. Viewed videos Show all Hide. But the folks at DeepMind certainly know how do approximate RL better than I do, so I guess that they may have found a solution to that issue. Christian Red and I answer some questions you had for his Bondage Tuition channel 62 min 62 min Erynrose - Views -.

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