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Adopt, foster or sponsor, and help a homeless pet find their forever home. Be sure to include "Maya A" when filling out the survey. At a volunteer's home, he seemed housetrained. Find a Location Near You. Click a picture to see each dog's bio. Excluded from this definition are birds, rats of the genus Rattus and mice of the genus Mus, bred for use in research, horses not used for research purposes, and other farm animals used for food, fiber, or production purposes. Follow us. Family-friendly: Family expansion leave; extended family medical leave. Get Social With Us! Subpart B - Guinea Pigs and Hamsters. Faces of No-Kill: Cat gains doting family after accident After losing his eyesight in an accident, Jack was adopted by a family who helped him relearn how to navigate the world. Congress and incorporated into the United States Code begins at 7 U.

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