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From the mids, unscrupulous pornography such as deepfake pornography and revenge porn have become issues of concern. International Review of Neurobiology. Edwards, Catharine Until the late s, digitally manipulated pornography could not be produced cost-effectively. Freeman case that "filming sexual activity for sale" does not amount to procuring or prostitution and shall be given protection under the first amendment. A study of psychological characteristics of porn actresses with regular women of similar age, ethnicity, and marital status revealed that the porn actresses had "higher levels of self-esteem, positive feelings, social support, sexual satisfaction, and spirituality" compared to the regular women. Archived from the original on 5 April The cause of attributing shame to sexuality is traced back to the biblical interpretation of nakedness being shameful. Sexual intercourse maithuna of any kind was treated in a ritual fashion, between husband and wife, or different partners, or with a temple girl. Sexy Ivorian Girl Dancing 3 min 3 min Armelci -. Human Sexuality in a Changing World. SSRN

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