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Retrieved December 23, He pleaded guilty in Copyright Scripps Media, Inc. GirlsDoPorn was a pornography website owned by Michael Pratt born , New Zealand , who also worked as the cameraman and editor. The lawsuit alleges that "as early as , and definitely by fall , MindGeek knew GirlsDoPorn was trafficking its victims by using fraud, coercion, and intimidation as part of its customary business practices to get the women to film the videos. At least some of the Jane Does' videos were still on MindGeek sites this month, the complaint said:. Retrieved April 5, GirlsDoPorn was an American pornographic website active from until Between and , Wiederhold worked with Pratt, the two filming videos of Wiederhold having sex in hotel rooms with women who were not in the porn industry. The complaint states that they tried to remove and destroy evidence related to the federal sex trafficking in October The United States Department of Justice reported that "some [of the women] were sexually assaulted and in at least one case raped". They would contact women who had applied and tell them that the job was not modeling, but having sex on camera.

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