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What happens when a devoted customer takes a cheeky commercial too literally? Archived from the original on November 16, They flee to Mexico, where Alabama gives birth to a son, whom they name Elvis. This intimate documentary paints a portrait of the broadcaster's larger-than-life career and ties it into the broader world of evolutionary history. Archived from the original on May 7, In , the US Olympic Men's Basketball team came home from Athens defeated for the first time after a win streak. This documentary chronicles the life of Anna Nicole Smith, who went from a model to tabloid fodder before her tragic death. Time Inc. Our VIP enews is delivered weekly every Wednesday morning and includes exclusive giveaways, and our news digest is delivered daily every morning. As Maya was treated for her rare illness, doctors determined that she was suffering from child abuse, and her parents, Jack and Beata, lost custody of her. Most of the time, we agree on everything. Skip to content.

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