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Splash TV contains a total of ten episodes with the last one being released on November 6, He had made a few other videos which were followed by a video on a montage of his sniping in video games and a short series of videos attributing to Halo 3 , other Gears Of War games, and Bioshock. In the s, Charlie drew attention from media outlets for his commentary videos, which were often of discourse about the YouTube platform and considerably critical of YouTube's policies. When the vets were able to determine the cat to be a female he and Tiana named her Io. Several fans claim to have been added by him and have spread a video and a photo. The gist of the series being Charlie fighting any boss of any video game in any way that his subscribers wanted him to. Since then, Peluchin had been terminated from YouTube, and Charlie's road rage prank video was reinstated. On June 15, , Charlie released a video titled " Something Huge For You ", in which he announced a scavenger hunt for his newest music video " Skynut " , which was released 2 days earlier. This confirmed previous theories that he in the credits of Lucius II was referring to Charlie. Through and into , Charlie started reviewing different varieties of media and creating the popular series Moist Meter and Liquid Ladder for ratings, rankings, and tier lists. He rarely replies to or generally engages in YouTube comments, despite his active use of responding in his earlier videos. Sneako later replied by saying "You can't challenge me to a fight because you know you are going to fold when you see me eye to eye.

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