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Enough to sustain me for the 2wks that I will be away for on my hols. Just as I am not shocked by him looking at half naked women. It's something that can make your sex life even more intense [ ] Everyone has flaws, and to me these flaws attract me to a person. Just as I am not shocked by him looking at half naked women. Are you on track with that? Ok all this mushy stuff is making me nauseated. Please bear in mind Bren, that what I said above, in my personal opinion is not acceptable for casual relationships. She is honest and then do you tell her to have phantasies of you only when she can't help herself or what if she says she respects you and can't bear to think of you that way? Titanscape Hi Bren - Just out of curiosity, can she expect the same from you? Thanks friend! I live on the coast and I see lots of gorgeous, half naked men. There would be no excitement as nothing would catch you off guard.

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