White haired female anime characters

White haired female anime characters

Creator Tappei Nagatsuki. Meiko "Menma" Honma. As well as this, she is a Wizard of the AST and is determined to avenge her parents by killing Spirits. She specializes in molecular gastronomy, the culinary branch of science that investigates physical and chemical changes that occur during the cooking process. Similar Anime Recommendations. Despite her moody personality, she tends to have her heart in the right place when making decisions. Manga With No Anime. Something about their IQ levels combined with a little sweet home Alabama just really sold the show. Deadman Wonderland was a rollercoaster of a battle royale anime. But also quite the tender spot when it comes to Gon. She is also supernaturally powerful—the most powerful creature in the Naruto universe. Najenda Akame Ga Kill!

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